The Adventure of Three Kittens 🐱

Tonight’s story takes place in a big, cozy barn on a farm, where three adventurous kittens learned a big lesson about family and home. After deciding to explore the forest on their own, they encountered all sorts of curious and sometimes scary things, like fireflies, a grumpy Skunk, and even a laughing Screech-Owl! But as they braved the unknown together, they realized that there’s no place like home. Their mom, always waiting with a warm purr, made them see that adventures are great, but coming back to the ones you love is the best adventure of all.

The Young Raccoons Go To A Party 🦝

In tonight’s story, a group of young raccoons, led by big brother and his siblings, were thrilled to attend a nearby pond party. Despite grooming and their mother’s lessons on etiquette, like washing food and polite behavior, they reverted to their usual antics at the event, disappointing another observing mother. The day after, a visit back to the pond revealed their mother deliberately ignoring her own rules, sparking a conversation on proper conduct and the importance of manners, highlighting her method of teaching by example.

Goosey, The Crow Who Honks 🐦

In tonight’s tale from the sunny Three Rivers forest, we meet Goosey the crow, known for her goose-like honk. She shares her journey of embracing her uniqueness with friends, including Bella the Bear, who celebrates differences as a way to enrich life. Initially, Goosey struggles with her distinctive sound, especially when wanting to participate in Oliver the Owl’s storytelling event. However, choosing to be true to herself, she’s warmly received, learning that her uniqueness is a gift.

Fiona the Curious Fox 🦊

In tonight’s story, we return to the Three Rivers Forest, where we meet a young fox named Fiona. When she was young, Fiona was a little shy and liked to stay close to her cozy den. But one day, she started to wonder about the world outside. She decided to take small steps to explore the forest and meet the other animals who lived there. Fiona’s curiosity led her to have adventures, make new friends, and even make everyone laugh.

Bella the Bear Learns To Be Brave 🐻

In tonight’s story, we return to the Three Rivers Forest, where we meet Bella, a young bear who is scared of many things: dark caves, high trees, loud thunderstorms, and the mysterious noises of the night. With encouragement from Oliver, the wise old owl, Bella learns that bravery isn’t about not being scared but facing her fears one small step at a time.

Randy The Raccoon Learns About Kindness 🦝

Randy dreams of winning a special award for doing something really helpful. He thought he needed to do something big to win, so he started looking for big ways to help around the forest. But when he passed by friends who needed help with small things, he didn’t help them because he thought those tasks were too small to win the award. Later, Randy realized that helping others, even in small ways, made him and his friends happy. Being helpful doesn’t have to be about doing big things but making a difference with little acts of kindness.

Sammy Learns About Patience 🐿️

In tonight’s story, set in the sunny Three Rivers forest, a group of animal friends called the gang can’t decide if they should play in the pond or float down the river. Sammy the Squirrel feels a bit sad because his older friends don’t listen to his ideas. But then, he talks to Goosey the Crow, who gives him advice about being patient and trying to share his thoughts in a way that others will listen. Sammy also visits Oliver, the wise old owl, who teaches him more about patience and how to be understood. In the end, Sammy feels hopeful about trying again with his friends, using what he’s learned about patience and speaking up.

Finley the Fox 🦊

In tonight’s story, Grandpa introduces Jasper and Joshua to another smart animal friend on their Prince Edward Island farm. Grandpa and Grandma made a special friend, Finley, a bright red fox who loved visiting. At first, they were surprised to see him, but soon they discovered he was a kind and clever fox who brought them pine cones and shiny stones as gifts. To show their thanks, they gave Finley tasty treats and even a tiny scarf to keep him warm in the winter.

Marvin the Kitchen Mouse πŸ₯§

In tonight’s story, Grandpa and Grandma introduce Jasper and Joshua to another animal friend on their farm.Β One night, they met a mouse they named Marvin. Unlike any ordinary mouse, Marvin finds a special place in the lives of Grandma and Grandpa and even gets to share Grandma’s famous and delicious Apple Pie.

Penny the Pig Who Creates Art πŸ–πŸŽ¨

In our story, Penny the Pig discovers an amazing talent that no one thought she had. One sunny day, Penny’s curiosity leads her to buckets of colourful paints left out by Grandpa. Without much thought, she starts to play with the colour. With each swish of her tail, she transforms mud into something creative, eventually creating art that captivates the animals on the farm and the entire community.Β