Mindful Monday: Back to School

This week on Mindful Monday we are looking at Back to School. How are you feeling about going back to school? Are you excited? Nervous? We are going to look at two books that talk about how other people are feeling about going back to school. The first book is First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg. Sarah in this story is worried about her first day of school and does not want to get up or do anything to get ready. She is new to her school and doesn’t know anyone and doesn’t feel like starting over. Finally she gets to school and realizes that all her worry was for nothing. The second book is called Mae’s First Day of School by Kate Berube. May is also worried, what if the other kids don’t like her? Her mom tells her about all the great things she will find there. Mae arrives at school and then hides in a tree. She has some visitors in the tree and they talk about all the things they are worried about.


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